A child who has tooth sensitivities may explain the discomfort if he or she is old enough, or simply may cry out while eating or drinking and refuse to finish a meal. If you're dealing with this issue with one of your children, there are a number of things that you can do to address the problem. Tooth sensitivity is a dental issue that affects many people and can occur from a wide range of causes. However, the result is the same — shooting pain that can take place several times throughout the day. Here are some strategies that you can employ to address this issue.

Switch To A Better Toothpaste

If your child is using conventional toothpaste, you may help the situation by buying a tube of toothpaste for people with sensitive teeth. This product can help to make teeth less sensitive, and while it won't create major changes in your child's mouth overnight, the child may report less discomfort over time. Toothpaste for sensitive teeth is available in any pharmacy and comes in a variety of flavors, so you'll be able to find a product that suits your child.

Make Some Dietary Changes

People with tooth sensitivities often notice more pain upon consuming food that is extremely hot or cold. You can help your child by adjusting his or her diet to focus on food with temperatures that are more moderate. For example, if you're serving soup, don't give your child a bowl when it's piping hot. Instead, warm the soup only moderately or allow it to cool down for a while before putting it on the table. You should also stay away from foods that are extremely cold — ice cream, for example, can often be an issue. For other cool products, such as fruit juice, leave them at room temperature to allow them to warm up a bit before serving them to your child.

Schedule A Dental Checkup

Your child's tooth sensitivities aren't something you want to ignore. While the above two strategies can help you manage the situation, you should also arrange to have your child visit the dentist as soon as possible. Don't wait until the next regularly scheduled checkup. It's possible that your child is experiencing these sensitivities because of a dental injury such as a cracked tooth. If this is the case, the dentist will need to fix the problem quickly to avoid further complications. Visit a site like http://www.premierdentalgrp.com for more information.
