Dental staining can be an embarrassing problem that can severely degrade the beauty of your smile. Despite staining being a common issue for dental patients, there are many pieces of misinformation that can make it hard for individuals to effectively protect their teeth against the deterioration that staining can cause.

Myth: It Is Impossible To Lighten Deep Stains

Over time, it can be possible for dental stains to occur deep within the enamel of the teeth. This can make it harder for standard whitening treatments to effectively lighten the stains. However, this does not mean that patients will have to endure having these stains on their teeth. There are teeth whitening procedures that are designed to remove stains that are deep below the surface of the enamel. In particular, laser whitening is a common treatment for patients with this degree of staining as this option can penetrate deep below the enamel to neutralize the stains that may have formed. Depending on the severity of the deep stains, multiple whitening sessions may be needed to fully lighten the stains. While this may not be as convenient as removing surface stains, it will allow for patients with deep staining to enjoy a white smile.

Myth: All Dental Whitening Procedures Will Damage Your Teeth

Some patients that are suffering from dental staining may be hesitant about pursuing treatment due to a belief that all dental whitening procedures will result in substantial damage to the teeth. In reality, professionally administered dental whitening treatments are extremely safe while also being highly effective. Individuals are often more likely to encounter problems with this treatment if they use a home-based whitening kit as it can be easy to inadvertently misapply or leave the whitening agent in contact with the teeth for too long.

Myth: Brushing And Flossing Are All That Is Needed To Avoid Staining

Ensuring that you are properly cleaning your teeth will be one of the most important things that can be done to prevent stains from forming. Many instances of staining result from improper brushing and flossing as this can allow for plaque to harden on the teeth, which can result in the outer enamel yellowing. Also, individuals that regularly consume foods that are high in pigments can be more likely to develop staining due to the pigments soaking into the enamel. As a result of these realities, individuals will frequently find that undergo a whitening procedure every few years can help to mitigate these sources of staining.

By scheduling a teeth whitening and taking the time to learn how to avoid issues, you can keep a bright smile.
